Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Jeremiah
We all want other people to approve and like us. However, our desire for approval can only be truly fulfilled when we receive God's acceptance and when He approves of us.
Yes, God chooses what the world would reject! Was Jeremiah perfect? Absolutely not! Jeremiah was fearful, and God had to correct him for his fear of people. He was afraid of being rejected and disapproved. God corrected him for speaking negatively and encouraged him to keep going and not give up.
Despite criticism, lack of popularity, and attacks on him, Jeremiah faithfully delivered God's message to the nation of Judah. In doing so, he honored God, demonstrated faith and courage, and chose obedience over his personal preferences. Do the same!
He watches over the Word which is the way to communicate with us. BUT WHAT ABOUT US? Have we watched over prayer?
Prayer is the primary way of communicating with God.
Instead of worrying, start surrendering to what God says! Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
- GEAR YOUR LOINS: that is, wear your clothes to act.
- And the hand of the LORD was on Eli'jah; and he girded up his loins and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel 1 Kings 18:46.
- He received divine power from the hand of the Lord to run in front of Ahab's chariot to run from Jezreel to the Carmel, a distance of about 40 km. Here Elijah was supernaturally strengthened by the Spirit of God to perform a miraculous feat.
And they will fight against you, but they will not prevail; for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you (Jeremiah 1:19).
Those who are called by God must believe in his word. God creates, builds faith, and governs through his Word. Renewed minds TRUST that the LORD is the strong defense of all those He has called and commissioned. REST, God is with you! TRUST, He protects! ADVANCE, He is faithful!
We often make a plan and then pray that it works out. God wants us to pray first and ask Him what His plan is. Once we have God's plan, then He wants us to trust Him to carry it out.
In fact, the activity that is born of the flesh prevents God from showing Himself strong in our lives. This is not the way to live life on a higher plane that God has prepared for us. Ask God to help and guide you as you work so that your efforts are productive.
In Jeremiah chapter 6, the Lord told the prophet to warn the children of God about the impending destruction of the city that was filled with oppression. God wants to protect and supply His people, and it is tremendously tragic when they cannot hear His voice because they have not consecrated their ears to His service. Ask God to make your ears sensitive to His voice.
Jeremiah 10:23

Life would be so much easier if we believed in God's Word and acted on it, but most of us have to find out the hard way what works and what does not. The Word of God says in Jeremiah 10:23 that it is not up to us to direct our lives, yet we try to do so. Let me encourage you to give up trying to control your life or the lives of others. God is in control, so relax and let Him direct your steps.
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."
A tree planted by the waters has its beautiful foliage and its fruits at its best. Such is he who is founded on the Word of God and has a relationship of communion and faithfulness with the Lord Jesus Christ. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, "Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water." John (7:38).
In this text we read that the potter had to remake his vessel because it had become damaged. This image of the vase represents ourselves in the hands of the Lord, the Master Potter.
When we enter into a serious relationship with Christ, the Bible says we become new creatures. The old things have passed, and we are given the opportunity to have a fresh start. We become a new spiritual clay for the Holy Spirit to work with. He will mold you into a beautiful vase, perfectly designed for the great purposes He has for your life, if you allow Him.
Although some people have a limited thought about God, and because they see some evil happening in the world, they even think that God does not exist or is a weak God. But in this text the Lord says that He fills the heavens and the earth so that nothing and no one can hide from Him.
Many years ago, the broadcast announced news in Brazil about the captivity of a girl in Goiânia who was being held captive and tortured by her godmother. Her parents were very poor and they let this godmother take the girl to the capital to study and have better conditions. And the godmother made her suffer so much, beatings, cigarette butt burns, left her without food and tied up so that the girl was kept on her toes. One day this girl said: "God, if you do not help me and get me out of here I am going to die, because I cannot take it anymore", and then she fell asleep. And she woke up later to the police breaking in and saving her. God knows everything! God sees everything! God hears everything! Glory to God!
If you are praying for a person or situation in another country, do not give up! God will act at a distance does not stop Him!
If you are praying for God to open a door for you to go to another country to work, study, do missions or other situation, keep going! Visas, permissions are not difficult for God. The same God who answers your local prayers for people and local situations also answers in other cities, states, countries… GOD IS GOD NEAR AND GOD FAR!
For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
- Life formation happens when you change your thinking.
- Truth is wasted in our lives if we do not use it to accomplish what God desires. Jesus promised "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:32).
- Do you trust God enough to let the truth change your mind and act?
- Ask for spiritual awakening to your family and to be more blessed, more influential!
- Ask for more business contact, more respect and influence to your professional area!
- He wants you to know the TRUTH about His plans for you TODAY: My plans for you are not for evil but just good.
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:12-13).
- When we call upon God, He listens and answers our requests, forgives our confessed sins, we receive like children, and He gives us eternal live.
- However, when we seek the Lord with all our hearts, the experience becomes different.
- As we surrender ourselves totally, we have a real encounter with Him, we have intimacy with the Heavenly Father, intimacy that transforms our lives, restores wounds, brings light where there was darkness, and joy in the place of sorrow.
- Give yourself totally to Him! Seek Him with all your heart, desire intimacy with the Father, and surely your life willbe much, much better!
- Live under the control of the Holy Spirit to experience new life and peace.
- Jeremiah 29:13 brings a wonderful promise. Note that we have to seek God as a vital need. In other words, the wonderful life that Jesus died for us, depends on our personal relationship with God. We need Him just like we need food, water, air to breathe.
- When you spend time with God, everyone knows. You become calmer; you become someone easier to get along with; you do not lose control of your emotions so quickly. Your patience grows, wisdom manifests through you, and your heart quickly understands what pleases God and what offends you. As with any friend, the more time you spend with God, the more you resemble Him. Spend time with God TODAY! Make it a PRIORITY! Your life depends on it because He is your vital need.
Jeremiah 29:13

God is looking for intercessors male and female, unfortunately God's people are without spiritual appetite. The things of God do not seem to be exciting anymore. The joy of reading the Word is lacking, the joy of praying is lacking.
ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR GOD? Have you longed for God more than the guards for the break of morning? (Psalm 130:6)
When we stop being irrigated by the oil of the Holy Spirit, we wane, wither, spiritually cool, we lose our vision and passion for the Kingdom of God. WE MAKE NOMINAL BELIEVERS.
Fix the break! Prayer warriors!
Jeremiah 31:34b

No matter what your problem is or how bad you feel about yourself because of it, God loves you. In Jesus Christ, He has given you new life. He will give you new friends to love, accept, appreciate and support you. You will move forward because of the one who lives inside you and cares about you.
You may have to look at yourself and confess your biggest failure. You may need to say something to God like "I had an abortion" or "I committed adultery." Whatever your sin or failure, you need to confess to God and then leave it behind. Stop punishing yourself for something that is in the past. Refuse to remember something that God chose to forget.
- This language challenges man to believe in God and in His power.
- For with God nothing will be impossible Luke 1:37.
- God calls us to believe in the unbelievable! Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think Ephesians 3:20.
- Lack of faith is manifested when we choose human ways and neglect the divine solution. GOD IS OMNIPOTENT!
Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:27)
- God's declaration is incisive: nothing is too much for Him. NOTHING!!!
- And there are no limits to your will and action.
- When He is the author of all things (of all) what would be its limits?
- No words from the Lord nothing is too difficult for Him.
- He is the God of the impossible, beyond what would be difficult. The Lord is the God of the impossible, God is God!
- And we are the targets of your endless Love.
- In the face of all this, strengthen your faith by knowing it, always worshiping it. God bless you!
Jeremiah 32:27

- But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).
- Impossible is what you cannot have, is what distances you from reality. What is very difficult to achieve.
- We live in a world where people daily try to put obstacles in our way. Phrase like:"this is impossible". They are used to demotivate. However, the Bible says that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES (Mk 9:23).
- Nobody can prevent God's action, because when He wants to act, there is no one to prevent. We know that everything is a matter of faith. You must believe that God is in control of all things!
- There is nothing God cannot do. There is nothing impossible with God.
- Ah! Sovereign Lord, you made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU (Jeremiah 32:17).
- Do your best, leave the IMPOSSIBLE to God!
Jeremiah 33:3

These words, as well as the previous ones, were spoken to Jeremiah when he was in prison. Note that no prison can deprive the people of the presence of God. No lock, no bolt can prevent His kind visits. Furthermore, as afflictions abound, so do their consolations, and they must have the most refreshing communications of their favor when the world shows its displeasure in them. Paul's sweetest epistles were written in prison.
At the beginning of the chapter (33:2) we see who secured his comfort. Thus says THE LORD, who made the heavens and the earth, and therefore has ALL POWER IN HIS HANDS. So, no matter the place, no matter the size of the problem, God has all the power and authority to change the complicated situation in your life.
CRY TO ME AND I WILL ANSWER - How can comfort be obtained and achieved? THROUGH PRAYER. Show yourself humbly determined before God, in order to discover other good divine intentions. Jeremiah had already prayed (32:16), but he must pray again. Note that those who hope to receive help from God must persevere in prayer. We must plead with Him and He will answer us.
I WILL TELL YOU GREAT AND HIDDEN THINGS - That is: I will give a clear and complete expectation of them, hidden things which, although they have already been partially manifested, you still do not know, do not understand or do not fully believe can happen. Promises are made, not to replace, but to stimulate and encourage prayer.
And what is your condition at the moment? Illness? Are you injured? Debts? At the right time, God will provide help. In Jeremiah's context Jerusalem's "sickness" was its own SIN! Therefore, REPENTANCE was the path to healing itself. When you repent and return to doing good works, because of your change in posture, God will also make the necessary changes for your victory over problems. Could it be that sin was the cause of all your anguish? If you repent, your sin will be forgiven and God will give you strength to subdue it, so that the root of judgments will be eliminated.