Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - James
EVALUATE! In what areas do you claim to have faith? While your actions declare disbelief?
Recognize and acknowledge these areas. Leave the areas of disbelief.
DECIDE TO ACT in your faith.
PRACTICE TODAY what you are proclaiming.
Listening and not doing is a sign of a deceived heart.
God blesses the hearers and practitioners of the word!
So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. But some one will say, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith (James 2:17-18).
If you do not practice what you say aloud and use Bible texts, unbelievers and fellow believers will attack you on your faith and satan will sue you before God!
If God's Word is NOT fulfilling in your life, investigate for yourself, ask the Holy Spirit why, until you have the answer.
Some people have very big struggles. They say they are looking for faith or trying to believe. However, all that is needed, is to put into practice what God says.
I use the term "practicing the Word of God" more than having faith or believing, because faith is exactly that.
That is what faith is: to act at the height of God's word.
Some people have really big struggles. They say they are seeking faith or trying to believe. However, all that is needed is to put into practice what God says.
I use the expression practice the word of God more than having faith or believing, because faith is just that.
Raymond T. Richley said, "faith is simply putting the word of God into practice"
Smith Wigglesworth said, "Faith is an act."
That's what faith is: acting on the word of God.
RATE IT! In what areas do you claim to have faith? While your actions declare disbelief?
Recognise and admit these areas. Leave the areas of disbelief.
DECIDE TO ACT on the faith you have.
PRACTICE TODAY what you proclaim.
Listening and not doing is a sign of a deceived heart.
God bless the hearers and doers of the word!
So also faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. But someone will say, You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works (James 2:17-18).
If you don't practice speaking out loud and using Bible texts , unbelievers and believers will attack you for your faith and Satan will sue you in God!
If the Word of God is NOT fulfilling in your life, investigate for yourself, ask the Holy Spirit why, until you have the answer.
Jesus loved man, His job was to leave Heaven's home and go to earth and be born as a baby, leaving all His glory and richnesses in Heaven.
Jesus remains on the Cross of Calvary, despite all the taunts and challenges of getting off the Cross and showing His Deity.
Jesus took the punishment for the sin of man on the Cross.
The believer shows his/her love through obedience to the Will of God the Father under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The believer shows his/her love by voluntarily giving tithes and gifts, helping others, assistance in gospel preaching so that others can believe and receive eternal life.
True faith and humility - And humility is the place of proud selfishness and self-centered ambition that characterize this evil century in which we live.
Self-centeredness is the essence of worldliness. Therefore, to be an egocentric person is to be an enemy of God.
James asks believers to be more humble.
Renounce conflicts! Refuse unnecessary speeches and personal fights. Try to be at peace with others.
Renounce rebellion! Surrender yourself to God. Renounce the devil and reject ALL his suggestions.
Hurry to confess your sin!
Renounce slander! Instead, speak well of others.
Express continued dependence on God!
Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin! (James 4:17).
James 5:16

The prayer of a righteous man is mightier than the strength of his arm!
Prayer motivates and nurtures obedience, putting the heart in the proper “mindset” to desire obedience.
The Holy Spirit teaches, inspires and illuminates the Word of God for us.
Neglect of prayer is one of the main causes of stagnation in the Christian life.
Start with just a few minutes… IT WILL BE VERY SPECIAL!
James 5:17

God's plan is to use men and women and use them a lot! MEN/WOMEN ARE GOD'S METHOD!
The church is looking for better methods, God is looking for better MEN/WOMEN!
God calls you to “open the heavens” with prayer and move forward under the anointing!