Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Isaiah
Isaiah 2:22

Here God tells us to stop trusting men. In the continuation of chapter 3:1 He says that He is withholding from His people sustenance - the external things on which they depend. What is the reason? He wants His people to trust Him.
What happens to us when our struts are removed? We discover what we are really standing on, where we are really rooted and grounded.
Our support system can take many forms, but either way, sooner or later God is going to start pulling it out, removing the struts from under us. Our anchors can be things from which we derive pleasure and satisfaction - if for whatever reason we lose them, then we discover how much of our sense of worth depends on the things we are doing.
In order for us to grow, God sometimes has to take away everything we put our security in - everything else except Him. That is because He is a God of restoration. He restores our minds, our emotions, our souls and our health. Cooperate with God as He does the work.
Isaiah 6:6

Before God can use us, He must purify us. In Isaiah 6:1-9 the prophet realizes that he has sinful and his unclean mouth needed to be dealt with.
The coming of the Seraphim bringing a live coal is recorded in verse 6 as an instantaneous event, but the answers will come just as quickly.
Notice that God forgave Isaiah's sin and then issued a call: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”" Isaiah 6:8. The prophet replied: "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah's heart wanted to serve the Lord, and God knew it. God will always look for a perfect heart towards Him, not necessarily someone who performs perfectly. When the Lord has the heart, He always changes behavior.
Isaiah 8:13

- Faith trusts the Word of God when circumstances seem to deny the truth of His promises.
- Our ability to stay until the end will depend on communion with the Holy Spirit and our dedication to Him.
- Believe that the Lord is your refuge and overcome the worldly threat that we face in times of serious crises.
- UNDERSTAND that spiritual strength comes from waiting on the Lord (Isaiah 40: 29-31).
- TRUST that God knows how to protect you.
- CHOOSE believing that the word of God is the most powerful force in the universe and act accordingly (Isaiah 55: 10,11).
Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee. Trust in the LORD for ever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock (Isaiah 26:3-4).
- Living God's purpose is not easy, however for a person who is out of God's way is neither easy.
- But who said it would be?
- The fights will come, the onslaught of the enemy too but we should never look at that, but look forward, there is where our victory is, there we will glorify God!
- Never stop believing (Isa. 40:31).
Isaiah 26:3

Peace of mind must precede the peace we seek in every other area of our lives. Isaiah 26:3 promises perfect peace to those whose purpose is firm in God because they trust in Him. When we allow our minds to wander and when we overthink everything we do, we push peace away and become restless; When we think about the future and the responsibilities we will have, it can overwhelm us. This type of thinking is called anxiety. Likewise, we become anxious and lose peace when we live in the present trying to imagine tomorrow or when we try to live tomorrow in our minds today.
We will never have the rich, fruitful life that God intends us to enjoy unless we learn to discipline our thoughts and resist anxiety. And this learning can only be acquired by keeping our minds on God. Let your mind guide you to peace!
God's people have much to look forward to. Those who have died will not be placed in the grave and forgotten. God will remember their bodies and restore their body. Furthermore, wickedness will not consume the land. Jesus will come to earth to punish the unjust for their sins. Those who have shed the blood of the innocent who cry out to God will be exposed. Isaiah points out several things that will happen.
- The dead will live (death on earth is not the end).
- The bodies of the dead will rise (it will be the resurrection of the body).
- Those who live in the dust will wake up and rejoice (Christian under control of the Holy Spirit will be taken to Heaven).
- God's people on earth in the Great tribulation are warned to seek shelter (go and hide).
- God's wrath will be poured out on the earth (The Great Tribulation).
- God's wrath will be a punishment for sin (this will be the high price for an inadequate life).
- The sins of those who have shed innocent blood will be exposed. (revealed sins).
Thus, the release of Christians from the greatest period of wrath in the world is a gift from God to His Church (The Rapture). It is not something she deserves, but something He gives her, because He loves it.
To whom he has said, "This is rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose"; yet they would not hear (Isaiah 28:12).
Why do we worry? What are we anxiety for? We are on board a vessel that we are not able to control, even if the great Captain put us at the helm; and we worry as if we were the captain or skipper.
BEWARE! God is at the helm! He has the steering wheel in his hands! The LORD reigns!
This truth says that God is actively looking for someone He can be good to. Indeed, He waits, waits, seeks and longs to be gracious to you! But He cannot pour out His kindness on someone who has a negative attitude. He is looking for someone who is waiting for His goodness, someone who is watching all the time, who is full of faith and trust and who is eagerly waiting for His gracious gifts. He wants to be good to you, so expect an outpouring of His goodness!
Say to those whose hearts are troubled: Be strong, do not be afraid; behold your God! With vengeance He will come, yes with the reward of God; he will come and save you (Isaiah 35:4).
Do not be afraid!
Isaiah encourages the people to trust in God's promises.
- Our ability to stay until the end will depend if we allow the Holy Spirit to instruct us in this type of faith.
- Believe that the Lord is your refuge and conquer the worldly fear that threatens in times of serious crises.
- Understand that spiritual strength comes from waiting on the Lord.
- Trust that God knows how to protect us!
- Choose to believe that the Word of God is the most powerful force in the universe and act accordingly.
- So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it Isaiah 55:11.
- Our ability to continue to the end will depend on our allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct us in this kind of faith.
- Believe that the Lord is your refuge and overcome the worldly fear that threatens in times of crisis.
- Understand that spiritual strength comes from waiting on the Lord.
- Trust that God knows how to protect his.
- Choose to believe that God's word is the most powerful force in the universe and act accordingly.
so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11. - Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose Isaiah 46:10.
- Know dear brother/sister that what God says He fulfills!
Trust with all your heart!
Isaiah 40:29-31

A proper understanding of God's concrete actions comes only when we know His ways. This requires a lot of patience (v.31). THOSE WHO WAITING ON THE LORD: Meaning to live the routine of life had a fervent and patient hope that God will rule and deal with evil in his time.
Faith trusts the Word of God when circumstances seem to deny the truth of the promises.
Our ability to stay to the end will depend on our allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct us in this kind of faith.
Believe that the Lord is your refuge and overcome the worldly fear that threatens in times of crisis or illness.
God's promises and plans will be fulfilled, as will the fact that rain and snow descend from heaven and water the earth!
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).
- An eagle does not accept captivity.
- The absence of eagles in zoos is due to two factors: because they live in heights and in places that are difficult to access such as cliffs, where they are difficult to capture.
- The second reason we do not find eagles in zoos is because they do not easily accept captivity.
- If caught, they become depressed and die. Equally the born again christian who returns living in the world, dies spiritually.
- He who is born to be free is never content with captivity.
- The eagle believer is not content with any kind of captivity of satan or the world in his life.An eagle does not accept captivity.
- The absence of eagles in zoos is due to two factors: because they live in heights and in places that are difficult to access such as cliffs, where they are difficult to capture.
- The second reason we do not find eagles in zoos is because they do not easily accept captivity.
- If caught, they become depressed and die. Equally the born again christian who returns living in the world, dies spiritually.
- He who is born to be free is never content with captivity.
- The eagle believer is not content with any kind of captivity of satan or the world in his life.
Whenever we lose control of the situation, or when we need to make an important decision, or when faced with a problem that in our eyes seems impossible, FEAR TAKES ACCOUNT OF OUR LIFE!
FEAR IS A REALITY, PART OF OUR HUMAN LIMITATION, so if we try to ABANDON FEAR it may not be an easy task.
We often forget that the Lord our God is greater than ALL things, and He helps us, sustains us, and strengthens us!
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness (Isaiah 41:10).
In other words, God requires that we trust Him completely, because He is on our side no matter what. situation then.
Isaiah 41:10

If there is something we must do, the Lord will give us the training to do it. He will not lead us into a situation that we then have to face alone, according to our own limited human strength. As Isaiah 41:10 reminds us, He is with us. He is our great God and will strengthen us to face difficulties; He will help us and sustain us with His victorious hand.
This promise applies especially to the Israelites. It is their God Who will give salvation and He will fight for them.
Soon the Third Temple will be built by the power of God.
Isaiah 41:10

To feel excluded is to feel isolated or rejected.
Do you know when we think we belong to a group and in some situation they leave us aside, are we forgotten? And when you think you can count on a husband, wife, or children etc. ... and realize that their priority is different! When you give yourself so much to someone, and imagine that there is an alliance, a partnership and sadly discover that you are alone, that person will never take your pains and not even think about making the effort you once made for them?
And you look around and see the harsh reality of exclusion. Jesus went through that too. In Matthew 26:55,56b - At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. 56 But all this has taken place, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled." Then all the disciples forsook him and fled.
Feeling excluded has a good side: it can bring us closer to the Lord and helps us to appreciate the love that He has for us and living with Him.
The Lord says in his word:and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age Matthew 28: 20b.
John 14:18 says: I will not leave you desolate; I will come to you.
Hebrews 13:5 says, for he has said, "I will never fail you nor forsake you."
Feeling excluded also makes us put ourselves in the shoes of others who are in the same situation.
So let us remain firm, our Lord, the one who loved us and gave himself for us is on our side. It is from Him that comes help, rest, healing, reward, salvation.
God does not open the way in front of us in advance, but only as we take each step. Obstacles in the way not removed when we come to them. He will deliver us in the chaotic and stormy seas we face "I will be with you".
2021 is ending… year a bit troubled for some, because of the pandemic possible we lost loved ones this year, the vaccine was insufficient. And what to expect for next year? Reflecting carefully on the words of Isaiah 43:18-19, they seem to indicate that you and I can cooperate with God's plan, for He says, "Look, I am doing a new thing! Do not you recognize it?"
We can release God's plan for our lives by letting go of the old stuff, believing that God has something good for our future. Since what we think would come out of our mouths, we will never fix our speech if we do not do something about our thoughts.
If we stop mentally living in the past, we can start to think in accordance with God. Then, when we do that, we can start speaking according to what He says. In that way, we will be able to actually understand our own future.
If God can make a way in the desert and streams in the wilderness, He can make a way for you.
And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be raised up (Isaiah 49:11).
God will use all obstacles for the fulfillment of His purposes. We all find hills in our path.
Trials produce perseverance (Rom. 5: 3) to overcome obstacles and continue to walk.
The key to VICTORY is prayer. The right lock is God's ALTAR.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Ps 46: 1).
Daniel was persevering for 21 days in praying and fasting until he won. If he had been discouraged earlier, he would not have won.
Continues! ADVANCE a little more, the victory is CERTAIN!
So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve where I sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
The word of God is food for the hungry spirit and invigorates the Christian with the abundant life of God! Fill yourself with the word, and you will be full of faith and boldness to grow HEALED and advance towards ALL ACHIEVEMENTS.
The greatest thing anyone can do in God and for man, is prayer.
John Wesley said that prayer is where action resides!
We must never forget that the Almighty God rules this world. He is not an absent God. His hand is always regulating human affairs. He is always present in matters concerning time.
His eyes behold, His eyelids test, the children of men. Psalms 11:4
He rules the world as he rules the church by prayer!
We want to emphasize this!
Prayer is the key to victory, deliverance, spiritual advancement, and every achievement!
Isaiah 58:9 and 14

We must never forget that the Almighty God rules this world
He is not an absent God. His hand is always regulating human affairs. He is always present in matters concerning time.
(…) His eyes watch; his eyes test the children of men. Psalms 11.4
It is a talk of duty, service and spiritual progress.
Arise, Jerusalem! May your face shine with joy, For your light has arrived! The glory of the Lord is shining on you. (Isaiah 60:1)
It is our commission (Mission) To shine in the darkness, since Jesus called us out of darkness into his marvelous light! (1 Peter 2:9)
Here the light of the gospel is especially spoken of, given to enlighten the peoples of the earth, still in darkness.
Let us pray, let us wake up!
Wherefore it says: Awake, O thou that sleepest, arise from the dead, and Christ will give thee light. (Ephesians 5:14)
Therefore if you have been raised together with Christ, SEEK THE THINGS ABOVE, where Christ lives, seated at the right hand of God. (Colossians 3.1)
Our greatest need today is to discover and explore heavenly riches (Ephesians 1.3) THAT MUST BE OUR ASPIRATION NOW.
In Luke 4:18, Jesus stands up in the temple to read the prophetic passage from Isaiah 61:1 and, after He closed the scolls, says, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." One of the things said in Isaiah is that Jesus came to open prison doors and to set captives free. This refers to the prison of sin, guilt, and condemnation. Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven and completely removed, and so that we could be freed from any feelings of guilt and condemnation.
If we consistently believe God's word, He will turn negative circumstances into positive ones - the ashes into a beautiful crown - at the right time.
Many negative things happen to many people and Satan uses them to bring bitterness in attitudes towards the lives of others.
Believing in God is the key to receiving from Him. Regardless of what has happened in the past, if you believe, you can also receive a beautiful crown instead of ashes. And you can begin to enjoy the wonderful future that is in store for you in Jesus Christ, who came to do the will of the Father in Heaven.
Forgiveness produces a double blessing!
When we forgive an injustice, we are doing ourselves a favor; we are giving ourselves a gift of freedom.
When we want to take revenge on those who hurt us, we just tie God's hands and prevent Him from working on our behalf.
The Lord directly says how we are to deal with our enemies, we are to love them, pray for them and bless them.
Love includes forgiveness, and forgiveness requires that we give up the past.