Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - 1 Peter
- As a Christian, we must realize that we belong to a holy nation. The Israelites were set apart to live to God's honor and glory and to be a representative to show God to the Gentile nations. Likewise, the Christians are set apart to represent God on earth and to preach the gospel among the nations.
- The world lives in darkness, ungodly, despises God's commandments, many live under the influence of powers of darkness, drugs and alcohol. God has called the Christian to let His marvelous light of Salvation shine through the blood of Jesus Christ in the world.
- The Christian is called to fulfill his duties as a royal priest. The High Priest had to dress daily in special worthy clothing, with the breastplate on which the 12 tribes of Israel were engraved. He carried the Jewish people on his heart. Likewise the Christian is called as a priest not to participate in the world, but to distinguish himself from the world. The Christian must carry the unbeliever on his or her heart and make daily intercessions. Praying by name of the unbeliever that he or she will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
- The High Priest was only allowed to enter the Holy of Holies once a year after bringing a sacrifice for his sins. The Christian may, after confessing his or her sins, approach God the Father in prayer any time of the day. For our Lord Jesus Christ has made the sacrifice for us. But we must remember that God the Father is a Holy God.
- The church (the Holy of Holies) may not resemble a place of a worldly disco, where one enters with torn clothes and the mobile phone activated.
- People come to church to worship God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, to praise. The Trinity is a Holiness, They are God. They are above all presidents and kings on earth. They are above all angels. The angels show all respect for God. The fate of satan and fallen angels who wished to place themselves above God, their destiny is the lake of fire forever.
- The priest in the Old Testament was set apart from the ordinary Israeli people. The Christian received the Holy Spirit immediately after his or her assumption of Jesus as Savior. The O.T. priest had a ministry. The Christian must use the power of the Holy Spirit to say NO to sin and complete his or her ministry to the Will of God.
1 Peter 2:9

Praise opens the door to more grace - John Wesley
Praise and worship in your mouth is a powerful weapon to defeat Satan.
We have to face our circumstances and other things on earth before the Lord returns, not with fear or anxiety, but with HIGH PRAISES to the Lord from our mouth and the two-edged sword that is His Word in our hand.
This is the time for God's people to declare their praise among the nations! God made us a royal priesthood to proclaim His praise to the ends of the earth.
There is a releasing of the Spirit and new freedom arises! The shackles of fear, doubt, and worry begin to slip away.
Praise strikes down the power of darkness, scatters demonic opponents, and thwarts Satan's strategies - Wesley L. Duewel
Face Satan and his principalities in advance with PRAISE and WORSHIP on your lips. In so doing, God will fight for you, just as he did for Israel! (2 Chronicles 20).
The enemy will hear your worship and will know he is defeated!
- As in a good marriage, it is important to talk to each other every day. Similarly in your relationship with God. God speaks to you through the Bible, you must test everything unto the Bible whether it is from God or not. All that people proclaim, the only keystone is God's Word. You speak to God through worship and prayer.
- The Christian reads the Bible daily, about 3 pages a day, in 1 year from Genesis to Revelation. The best in two translations that give a better light. After reading, take the time to reflect on what God today has to say to you.
- In the Bible Circle you hear the interpretation of other Christians.
In Bible comments the texts are explained, often based on the original (Hebrew and Greek) text. But be critical and do not accept everything cockroach, test against other Bible texts in their context. - Your worship and praise for the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Cross, that He died for your sins.
- Thank Him for your daily food, health and work.
- Bringing your problems and concerns to God.
- The intercession for governments that they will respect God's commandments and not pass laws that go against God's commandments. The protection of them by God.
- Bringing your problems and concerns to God.
- The intercession that teachers at schools and universities will respect God's commandments and not teach false doctrines of socialism and communism, etc.
- The intercession for unbelievers by name that they will be delivered from the powers of darkness and will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
- For your spiritual growth and walk under the control of the Holy Spirit and to know God's Will.
- The intercession for Israel, including Matthew 24:19-20 And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days! Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a sabbath.
Whenever something happens to the Christian that can make him anxious, filling him with unrest and apprehension, he should turn to the heavenly Father in prayer.
PUT YOUR ANXIETY UPON GOD confidently that it will be heard by the ONE WHO CARES FOR YOU. This will result in an inner calm, the peace of God that will guard the heart and mental faculties.
Deep inside, the Christian will feel free from restlessness, bad feeling and alarmism, and his mind will not be disturbed by distractions resulting from anxiety. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4.6,7).
The psalmist declared: The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalms 34:18).
For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those that do evil (1 Peter 3:12).
Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God! (Is 41.10).br>Everything will be fine, keep trusting in God!
The churches are allowed to open again. Nevertheless, there are brothers and sisters who are afraid to visit the church again because of possible contamination. Many go shopping again but are afraid of going to church. Even some believers have the guts to give negative advice on Facebook to go back to church. Let them remember carefully that satan roams like a roaring lion, seeking who he can devour.
Every brother and sister has his or her responsibility. Each will have to answer PERSONALLY for the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 5:10 says, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.
What each one does at home, studies the Bible, how long prays, celebrates the Holy Supper with his / her family, each must be accountable to Jesus Christ. Heb. 10:25 says: "Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near". The day of the Rapture of the Church is approaching. With the Covid-19 and all the destruction in protests, it is clear that the Rapture is approaching.
I myself belong to the high-risk group, but that does not prevent me from continuing my work for the Lord Jesus Christ. But do take all precautionary measures, no embrace of my brother or sister, no shaking of hands, always keep with mask and distance.
1 Peter 5:8

Yesterday, the 13th, we learned how we read the Bible and WHY.
- Without in-depth knowledge of the Bible, without the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17), we are unable to defeat the roaring lion of Satan (1 Peter 5: 8).
- Jesus used purely the Word of God in Matthew 4:3-11 to resist satan, and in verse 11, satan suffered defeat and was gone. Thus, with every attack by Satan on the believer, the believer must use the Word of God (text(s) of the Bible) to resist Satan. This requires heartfelt Biblical knowledge, which you only have if you read the entire Bible in 1 year.
- With love, one can use Biblical texts to evangelize and approach the unbeliever, John 3:16 being the best known. It is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit that convict unbelievers.
- By practicing in the Word of God with every attack of satan, one grows spiritually. But this requires in-depth knowledge of the Bible because in the fall Eve fell for Satan's half-truths. And pay close attention to Satan's abuse of God's Word in the temptations of Jesus in Matthew 4.
- Learn by heart the verses of the Bible that you consider important in the fight against Satan and for evangelism.